The Scripture Engagement Guide

The Scripture Engagement Guide (SE Guide for short) is designed to help you understand what will help or hinder people in their use of the Bible. Simple videos introduce key questions across eight themes. These have been learned from many decades of Bible translation work in hundreds of languages. Working through questions with others will benefit your community by helping you understand your situation better. Then, you will be able to choose wisely from the many existing scripture engagement strategies and resources, or design your own special SE activities.
Your exploration of the ‘key questions’ and exploration of strategies and resources can be used again and again to find new ways to hear or read the Bible. 
The Guide is now available as an android app that can be used offline available either on Google Play or via our
resources page. Translation of videos into other languages has also begun.

Explore Key Questions

Discover effective ways to engage people with the Word of God.

Multilingual Assessment Tool

Assess how multilingualism impacts your community.

Find Resources

Discover valuable resource for your unique ministry context.