Ensuring A Translation Can Be Trusted
Moral reputation of translation team
What about in your community?
- What are the moral, academic, and spiritual qualifications that the community expects of national translators? Of expatriate translators?
- Is the moral reputation of the team limiting the impact of the Bible translation? If yes, how can the reputation be restored? If the reputation is good, what can be done to keep the spiritual health of team members strong?
Which Bible is REALLY the Bible?
What about in your community?
- What are the local denominational leaders’ and local pastors’ opinions of the translation project? What are the other expatriate missionaries’ opinions of the translation project?
- What is the (Christian and/or non-Christian) community’s opinion of the accuracy and doctrinal reliability of the translation?
- Summary Question: Considering these things, what do you conclude about how people view the translation project?
What our people like or don’t like about the Bible translation in our language
What about in your community?
- What style do the various groups in your context believe is most appropriate for sacred texts (holy books)?
- Summary Question: Considering these things, what style would have the greatest ministry impact?